We have been in relationship with ForMission College, who are accredited through Newman University https://www.newman.ac.uk, for many years. Our vision for multiplying missional disciples by learning (Head), doing (Hands), and reflecting (Heart), in relational community, mirrors theirs in many ways. This has led to partnership involving course design and writing as well as teaching and recruiting.

This ground breaking MA offers cutting edge training to those who are willing to create, innovate and take a risk to be on mission with God, in a fast changing world. Missional Links Wales is excited to collaborate with ForMission College in mobilising a generation of missional leaders and entrepreneurs.

Take a look at this 60 second video from ForMission College.  It provides an outline of what they do.

Also, take a look at these two short PDF’s.  They provide the essential details of the MA Missional Leadership (Leadership Pathway) and the MA Missional Leadership (Social Entrepreneurship Pathway).

MA in Missional Leadership (Leadership Pathway)

MA in Missional Leadership (Social Entrepreneurship Pathway)

For information about the fees for each programme offered click on https://formission.org.uk/ma-fees/

Apply here

Further information about ForMission’s policies can be found at https://formission.org.uk/policies/ and to keep up with ForMission’s latest news and events click on https://formission.org.uk/news/

If you would like to know more, click on formission.org.uk/ma-overview or get in touch with Rob Burns at rob.burns@missionallinkswales.org.uk